365 Artwork Challenge: The Flash and Arrow Full Figure (Step-By-Step)

Another drawing challenge that I never made before is a full figure drawing of a person. In this drawing I made TWO full figure of The Flash and Arrow. Yeah, I know… sometimes I don’t know when to stop haha… As you can guess, I spent more time than usual to finish this drawing. The small details are making my eyes watery. But I think it is all worth it because I love how it turned out.

So this is my artwork #69, The Flash and Arrow Full Figure, graphite pencil on A4 paper.

The Flash and Arrow Full Figure - Pencil Drawing and Paper

The Flash and Arrow Full Figure – Pencil Drawing and Paper

Here are some progress shots of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge : The Arrow and Flash (Step-by-Step)

A new drawing people!! It’s so freakin hard to find a free time to draw these days. But I will not giving up!! I shall draw… draw.. and draw… whenever I can. hehehe..

Anyway, this is artwork #68 from my favorite TV series. The Arrow and The Flash. Oliver Queen and Barry Allen. Love them both, although I think I like Barry Allen more because he’s a nerd and a geek and I can relate more since I am a nerd, geek and a fangirl 🙂

The Arrow and The Flash Charcoal on Moleskine Sketchbook

The Arrow and The Flash Charcoal on Moleskine Sketchbook

As usual this is a step-by-step progress picture:

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