My Drawing Tools

Gotta take a break for a second here from my artwork challenge and sharing with you my main tools for drawing.

My Drawing Tools

My Drawing Tools

Those drawing tools consists of:

  • Faber-Castell tortilion or paper stump
  • Faber-Castell 9000 Artist Graphite Pencils Set
  • Faber-Castell Pencil Sharpener
  • Faber-Castell Eraser
  • Derwent Charcoal Pencil Set
  • Derwent Electrical Eraser
  • Derwent Kneaded Eraser (not in the picture)
  • Winsor&Newton Professional Fixative (not in the picture)
  • Blu-Tack (as a substitute for kneaded eraser)
  • Cotton Buds
  • Tissue

Those are all the tools that I used for my pencil/charcoal drawing. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to post a comment! Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: First Sketch on My Moleskine Sketchbook

First illustration on my new Moleskine sketchbook is Tulips. I think I can’t go wrong with flowers;)

My artwork #58:

Tulips - Pen on Sketchbook Paper

Tulips – Pen on Sketchbook Paper

I used Sakura Pigma Micron pen for this drawing. Oh, and that novel is also a recent buy. Best historical fiction 2014 from Goodreads. Sets out on World War 2 (my favorite era) but quite depressing. I hope I can finish it at the end of this month so I can buy another novel that I got my eyes on.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Following the trend on using a Moleskine Sketchbook, I finally able to buy this ridiculusly expensive sketchbook. But it’s all worthed because the quality of the paper is significantly different than any sketchbook that i’ve used before.

Here’s me with my new sketchbook:

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

The cover is a plain black color so I decided to do something about it. I make it my Artwork #57:

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

I got the illustration from Pinterest and I used Sakura Souffle pen. Hope you all liked it. I will posted more drawings that I made on this sketchbook. Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Daenerys Targaryen (with Progress Shot)

The mother of dragon will be my final artwork for the Game of Thrones Drawing Series. Since the new season will start in less than TWO days, I think it will be perfect to end it with this queen or Khaleesi.

“I will take what’s mine with fire and blood”. This is my artwork #55


And here’s some progress shot of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Arya Stark (With Progress Shot)

This is the fourth character from my Game of Thrones drawing series. Arya Stark who become a bit dark and bad ass lady. Probably because she has experienced trauma of losing a lot of her family member and friends. She become even more cold and driven by revenge when she went on a journey with the Hound. HBO just released her picture for season 5 and she looked very mature and feminine. Can’t wait to watch the new season this April.

“Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing”. This is my artwork #54

The Game of Thrones Drawing Series - Arya Stark charcoal on paper

The Game of Thrones Drawing Series – Arya Stark charcoal on paper

Here is some progress shot of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Cersei Lannister (with Progress Shot)

The third character from my Game of Thrones drawing series is Cersei Lannister. The queen regent who cannot say no to her first born child. A woman who is actually driven to protect her loved ones. Just like her quotes: “Love is a weakness, love no one but your children” Sometimes I hated her, sometimes I pitied her. She is a bitter bitchy woman but I admire her intelligence and her guts.

So this is artwork #53 Cersei Lannister “What Good is Power, If You Can’t Protect The Ones You Love”


And this is some progress shot that I did for this drawing

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Jamie Lannister (With Progress Shot)

The second character for my Game of Thrones series is the imp brother, Jamie Lannister. This character is surprisingly and unexpectedly good. Since his turning point when he held captive and got his hand cut off, he’s not such an a** hole anymore. He is just a guy who loves his brother and (inappropriately) loves his sister.

“The things I do for love” – Jamie Lannister, The Kingslayer. Here’s Artwork #52

Jamie "The Kingslayer" Lannister - charcoal on paper

Jamie “The Kingslayer” Lannister – charcoal on paper

and here’s a couple of progress shot on how I made this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Tyrion Lannister (With Progress Shot)

This month I decided to make a series of drawing based on my favorite TV show – Game of Thrones and of course I started it with my absolute favorite character, Tyrion ‘the imp’ Lannister. I really hope that George RR Martin didn’t kill him in season 5 ;D (I only read the first and second book, so I have no idea what’s gonna happen.. so excited!)

I think Tyrion’s quotes also my most favorite quotes of all time. Some of them are: “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge”; “Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armor and it can never be used to hurt you” ” And I have the tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things”

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365 Artwork Challenge: Another One for Arrow Fans – Oliver Queen (with Progress Shot)

Here is another Arrow drawing that I’ve done in my sketchbook using charcoal pencil by Derwent (always). This drawing is made because I’m not really satisfied with my last Arrow drawing. Thanks to a wrong type of paper.

Artwork #50 woohooo…! finally I’m able to reach 50 artwork challenge. What a great experience!! I still have a lot to work on until I reach my goal but I’m happy with it. I know I’m not really doing the drawings daily, because it turns out to be quite a pressure for me and the challenge has lost its ‘fun’ factor. That is why I don’t really put too much pressure to myself anymore to make a daily drawings but I got my own pace to reach my goals. And I have more fun doing it!!

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365 Artwork Challenge: “You Have Failed This City” – Oliver Queen as The Arrow

I am a freak for a good TV series and I think that Arrow is one of my favorite DC Comic’s superhero right now. After finishing season 2, I decided to make a charcoal drawing dedicated for the series. This is also a request from my friend who is also a great fan of the series.

Here’s my artwork #48, which is a another attempt on using charcoal in a portrait drawing:

Oliver Queen - Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

Oliver Queen – Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

I’m trying a new type of paper for this drawing and I hated it. The surface is too rough and have too many pores that it’s difficult for me to blend the charcoal. I’m not really satisfied with this drawing but I guess that’s the whole process on learning to draw. You have to experienced many mistakes to know what suitable for you.

Anyway, here’s a couple of progress shot of the drawing. I accidentally delete some picture, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t really show the progress step-by-step.

This is when I knew that I hated the paper

This is when I knew that I hated the paper




Oh, I would also like to share to you what my typical Sunday looked like:

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

I used Derwent Charcoal Set (always) for this drawing. I hope you all liked it. Have an awesome day guys!