365 Artwork Challenge: The NEW Joker – Jared Leto in Suicide Squad (Step-by-Step)

I’m not gonna kill you, I’m just gonna hurt you really.. really.. bad

I find myself always fascinated with DC Comics character and then… Jared Leto comes along as Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. I am instantly hooked and decide to draw him. I found a lot of reference from pinterest and I think this picture is quite a representative of one very disturbed and psychotic evil man.

So here it is, Jared Leto as The Joker in my Artwork #67

Jared Leto as the NEW Joker in Suicide Squad - Charcoal Pencil and Marker on Paper

Jared Leto as the NEW Joker in Suicide Squad – Charcoal Pencil and Marker on Paper

And here are some of the step-by-step picture of how I made this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: First Time Drawing a Family Member-My Mother Circa 1976 (Step-by-Step)

Another graphite pencil drawing is my first time ever attempt on drawing a family member. This time is a picture of my mother, using a reference photograph from 1976. I think I will give this as a birthday gift for her. I love the vintage look of the photograph and here it is my artwork # 66

My Mother Circa 1976 - Graphite Pencil Drawing on Paper

My Mother Circa 1976 – Graphite Pencil Drawing on Paper

And here’s a little step-by-step photos of my drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: BATMAN VS BANE – Charcoal Drawing (Step-by-Step)

My holiday drawing project is Batman Vs Bane, charcoal drawing on paper. I spent a month to finish this drawing because I got a lot of other personal stuff and work assignment that I have to do. But, I never like an unfinished project, so Eid Mubarak’s holiday my best chance to make sure I have a complete drawing.

Here is my Artwork #65:

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

And here is a couple of step-by-step photos of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: Star Wars Drawing on Moleskine, R2D2

The next Star Wars drawing is the cutest robot R2D2. I wanted to draw him together with C3PO but I can’t find a good reference picture. This one I got from Pinterest.

So, here’s Artwork # 63, pencil drawing on Moleskine Sketchbook

Star Wars Drawing Series - R2D2 Pencil on Moleskine

Star Wars Drawing Series – R2D2 Pencil on Moleskine

As usual I used Faber-Castell 9000 graphite pencil from H to 8B. I think in terms of graphite pencils, Faber-Castell is still the best. I used it all the time. And it worked perfectly on Moleskine sketchbook that has a very smooth surface paper.

That is all guys, hope you enjoyed it. Have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: Star Wars Drawing on Moleskine – Yoda “Do or Do Not, There is No Try”

Another Star Wars drawing on my Moleskine. This time is Yoda. My brother’s favorite character of Star Wars.

Here is my #61 Artwork


I used a combination of Sharpie markers and Faber-Castell graphite pencil on Moleskine sketchbook. The inspiration for the drawing is from Pinterest. Hope you enjoyed it. Have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: Castle and Treasure Map Doodle on Moleskine

Since I was a little girl, castles and witches and treasure map, fantasy and fairy tales always fascinates me. Until now, I still find myself reading fantasy stories. When Shoo Rayner made a video about drawing castle and treasure map, I can’t help but doing it immediately on my Moleskine Sketchbook.

So here is my #60 artwork.



I used Sakura Pigma Micron 0,3 on Moleskine Sketchbook. Please check out and follow The Shoo Rayner Drawing Channel on Youtube for the drawing tutorial and more. Hope you all liked it. Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: Star Wars Drawing on Moleskine – Stormtroopers “The Dark Side Made Me Do It”

Starting another drawing series maybe? I’m not sure. But this is quite interesting to draw a Stormtrooper. I never draw robots before and I quite liked it;) May (the month of Star Wars) is coming soon, so this is my contribution for all the Star Wars fan out there.

Artwork #59 Star Wars Stormtrooper “The Dark Side Made Me Do It” – read this quote somewhere and I think it’s very funny.

Stormtrooper - Graphite Pencil on Moleskine Sketchbook

Stormtrooper – Graphite Pencil on Moleskine Sketchbook

I used Faber-Castell 9000 Artist Graphite Pencil set for this drawing and Winsor&Newton Professional Fixative.

That is all guys, have an awesome day… May the force be with you!

365 Artwork Challenge: Still Can’t Get Enough of Game of Thrones – Jon Snow on Moleskine Sketchbook

Well, what can you say, I just can’t get enough of The Game of Thrones series. Here’s a small drawing of Jon Snow that I made using charcoal pencil on my Moleskine Sketchbook.

Artwork #58 “You know nothing Jon Snow”


I used Derwent charcoal pencil set. The paper on my Moleskine sketchbook is so smooth that it’s kind of hard not to smudge the drawing all over my hands. As soon I as finish, I put Winsor & Newton fixative on top of the drawing.

That’s all guys, have an awesome day!!

Doodle of The Day: “Love is Kind”

This new Moleskine sketchbook get me going everyday. Well, at least this couple of days;) This particular doodle is inspired from Pinterest.

Doodle of The Day - Love is Kind

Doodle of The Day – Love is Kind

This doodle is my Happy-Sunday-doodle. “Love is Kind” is one of my favorite quote and passage. I used Sharpie Permanent Marker on Moleskine Sketchbook for this doodle.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!