Scrapbook Project: Baby Bumi’s Scrapbook Wall Decor

Setelah sekian lama ‘absen’ akhirnya saya kembali bersentuhan dengan bahan-bahan scrapbook;) Kali ini request scrapbook adalah untuk newborn baby salah satu teman saya. The baby’s name is Bumi which I think is pretty awesome;).


Kombinasi berbagai scrapbook series saya gunakan untuk project ini. Tema warnanya adalah coklat dan biru vintage berhubung baby-nya berjenis kelamin laki-laki.

Wall decor ini dibuat di atas canvas ukuran 20×20 cm yang saya lapisi dengan kertas decoupage terlebih dahulu baru dihias dengan berbagai kertas scrapboook.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

Scrapbook Project : Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas Menggunakan Scrapbook

Tahun ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis posting mengenai scrapbook dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan posting mengenai artwork menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Tujuannya agar scrapbook di Indonesia bisa semakin familiar dan lebih populer.

Anyway, project kali ini sebenarnya adalah project iseng yang saya buat karena saya baru saja memiliki rak TV baru yang belum ada hiasannya. Saya berpikir daripada menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli dekorasi rak, lebih baik memanfaatkan skill scrapbooking saya dan menggunakan benda-benda yang ada di rumah. Kali ini benda yang saya pilih adalah sebuah kotak parfum bekas sebagai alternatif home decor.

Kotak parfum ini bentuknya unik, mirip kotak perhiasan dengan bentuk tiga perempat lingkaran. Parisian look menurut saya cukup cocok untuk menghias kotak ini.

Scrapbook Altered Art - Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

Scrapbook Altered Art – Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

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365 Artwork Challenge: Valentine’s Day Edition Of Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover

Valentine’s day and an artwork at the exact date;) That is because my friend ordered this notebook to be delivered on Valentine’s day this year hahaha.. Okay, so this is artwork #47 a scrapbook altered notebook cover:

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover - Valentine's Day Edition

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover – Valentine’s Day Edition

This is a couple of close-up look of the artwork:




Still with the vintage look. This time I combine the brown vintage color with pink to match the valentine’s theme. That’s all guys, Happy Valentine’s Day and have an awesome one;)

365 Artwork Challenge: Scrapbook Altered Art – Notebook Cover “Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them”

Another fun scrapbook altered art as a decoration for a notebook cover. This time is a project for one of my junior high school friend who saw my works and loved it. I can’t believe that I finally contacted her after so long;) I’m just glad that my hobby and my passion can also be a tool for me to reconnect with my old friends.

Artwork #45 is a cover notebook decorated with scrapbook. I loved the quote “Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them”. The quote reminded me to not be afraid to pursue my dream and not giving up;)

"Opportunity Don't Happen, We Create Them" Scrapbook Altered Art on Notebook Cover

“Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them” Scrapbook Altered Art on Notebook Cover

This is a couple of close up of the notebook:

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Scrapbook Tutorial: Scrapbook Altered Notes – Vintage Style

Akhirnya tutorial scrapbook terbaru di tahun 2015… Lumayan menyegarkan menulis postingan blog menggunakan bahasa Indonesia kembali setelah beberapa bulan:) Eniwei, tutorial ini adalah pembuatan scrapbook altered notes yang sudah diposting kemarin.

Saya kembali dengan gaya Vintage that I loved so much. Sooo…. get ready for a lot of brown dan distressed look;)

Vintage Style Scrapbook Altered Notes- "Life is Good"

Vintage Style Scrapbook Altered Notes- “Life is Good”

Bermula dari notes yang saya peroleh dari sebuah hotel. A small notes, nothing special… but a LOT of potential:) Tentunya dengan memanfaatkan berbagai koleksi ‘sisa kertas scrapbook’ yang saya miliki.

A Small Notes From a Hotel

A Small Notes From a Hotel

Let’s begin the tutorial, shall we…

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365 Artwork Challenge: “Life is Good”- Scrapbook Altered Notes Vintage Style

I told you I got addicted making scrapbook altered art:D This is my third scrapbook altered art this week. My ‘victim’ is a small notes from a hotel. I miss my vintage-style scrapbook and I think this project helps me reconnect;). Here it is, my artwork #42:

Vintage Style Scrapbook Altered Notes- "Life is Good"

Vintage Style Scrapbook Altered Notes – “Life is Good”

And this is what the notes looked like before I altered it:

A Small Notes From a Hotel

A Small Notes From a Hotel

For this project, I decided to make a tutorial that I will post tomorrow. That’s all guys, have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: “Love What You Do, Do What You Love” – Scrapbook Altered Notebook/Agenda 2

I guess I got addicted to making this scrapbook altered notebook. I don’t know if it’s because the notebooks this year is so boring that I need to make something for the cover or it’s just that my mojo is on fire;)

Anyway, this Artwork #41 is a scrapbook altered notebook that I got from my bank.

Scrapbook Altered Notebook/Agenda Vintage Style

Scrapbook Altered Notebook/Agenda Vintage Style

This is what the notebook looked before I altered it.

Plain Notebook From My Bank

Plain Notebook From My Bank

And this is what my mind is thinking when I saw the notebook;)

Mix and Match My Scrapbook Stuff

Mix and Match My Scrapbook Stuff

I think this notebook will be great as a new year’s gift for my friend. The quote is also a great reminder for us all to love what we do and do what we love. Have an awesome day!!

365 Artwork Challenge: “The Best Things In Life Are Unseen…” – Scrapbook Altered Notebook

As usual, at the beginning of every year, you’ll get a notebook or agenda from your workplace or your bank or a gift from a fast food center. This year, I got a couple of good quality notebook. But, its plain and boring look made my itchy art mojo wanted to do something with it;)

After being absent for some time, I come back to my first love of art, SCRAPBOOK. I haven’t bought any new scrapbook stuff for the last 6 month or so.. But, I guess a whole lot of pieces of old scraps can be a great artwork if you’re patience enough to combine it all;)

So this is artwork #40, a scrapbook altered notebook and agenda

Scrapbook Altered Notebook

Scrapbook Altered Notebook

I got a little quote at the cover that says: “The Best Things in Life are Unseen, That’s Why We Close Our Eyes when We Kiss, Laugh, and Dream”. All you need more is a great novel from your favorite author and a good cup of hot tea:)

Anyway, because I need a monthly planner and this notebook/agenda doesn’t provide it, I decide to make it myself using sharpie pen, scraps, washi tape. stickers and stamps.

Handmade Monthly Planner on Plain Notebook/Agenda

Handmade Monthly Planner on Plain Notebook/Agenda

That’s all guys, hope you have an awesome day!

Scrapbook Tutorial: Membuat Scrapbook Album dari Kotak Teh Instan Bekas

Menyambung postingan sebelumnya mengenai Scrapbook on a budget, saya menemukan cara lain untuk dapat berhemat dalam membuat hasil karya Scrapbook yaitu dengan memanfaatkan barang-barang bekas yang ada di rumah kita. Dalam hal ini saya membuat Scrapbook Album dengan memanfaatkan kotak teh instan bekas.

Scrapbook Mini Album dari Kotak Teh Instan Bekas

Scrapbook Mini Album dari Kotak Teh Instan Bekas

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah membuatnya:

kotak teh instan bekas

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Scrapbook Project: Making Scrapbook Album From Used Tea Box

After making scrapbook album from various things, this time I found that a used tea box is another great idea to make a unique scrapbook album.


Scrapbook Mini Album dari Kotak Teh Instan Bekas

This album is made from this used tea box:

kotak teh instan bekas

DSC02280You can find the tutorial on how to make this album on my next post.

All of the paper, die cuts, and sticker for this album is from Kaisercraft “Dream Big” Collection. Here is the cover of the album:

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