Doodle of The Day: “Love is Kind”

This new Moleskine sketchbook get me going everyday. Well, at least this couple of days;) This particular doodle is inspired from Pinterest.

Doodle of The Day - Love is Kind

Doodle of The Day – Love is Kind

This doodle is my Happy-Sunday-doodle. “Love is Kind” is one of my favorite quote and passage. I used Sharpie Permanent Marker on Moleskine Sketchbook for this doodle.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Following the trend on using a Moleskine Sketchbook, I finally able to buy this ridiculusly expensive sketchbook. But it’s all worthed because the quality of the paper is significantly different than any sketchbook that i’ve used before.

Here’s me with my new sketchbook:

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

The cover is a plain black color so I decided to do something about it. I make it my Artwork #57:

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

I got the illustration from Pinterest and I used Sakura Souffle pen. Hope you all liked it. I will posted more drawings that I made on this sketchbook. Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: Trying Something New! Drawing in a Cover of a Notebook

Another new challenge and a new idea for my artwork. It started when I saw another plain notebook. This time it’s my boyfriend’s Moleskine notebook. A great quality notebook with endless possibility to make art;)

I come across Shoo Rayner’s Drawing School again and decided to make his Mayflower tutorial on Youtube as the cover of the notebook. So this is my artwork #46:

"The Mayflower" on Moleskine Cover, Following a Tutorial from SHoo Rayner's Drawing School

“The Mayflower” on Moleskine Cover, Following a Tutorial from Shoo Rayner’s Drawing School

You see the plain cover Moleskine on the background. I used Sharpie Permanent Marker Ultra Fine Point for the illustration of the Mayflower and Stained by Sharpie for the calligraphy. “Project” is a title for the notebook since my boyfriend use it for his work project ideas. I’m thinking to draw another illustration for his other two notebooks that will be titled “Basic” and “Accounting”. I know, it sounds boring hahaha… but I will make it ‘less’ boring by drawing something interesting on the cover there soon.

Here’s another close up of the artwork:

The Mayflower - Permanent Marker on Moleskine Cover

The Mayflower – Permanent Marker on Moleskine Cover

Calligraphy using Sharpie

Calligraphy using Sharpie

The Plain Moleskine Notebook Cover

The Plain Moleskine Notebook Cover

That is all guys. Hope you liked it. Have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: Quote-Art Project Inspired From The Movie “UP”

Artwork #39 is a quote-art inspired from the movie “UP”. One of my favorite animation with a very deep message and philosophy. I even loved the soundtrack! Drawing the balloons I think quite represents the idea of the quote “Adventure is Out There”.

Quote-Art "Adventure is Out There"

Quote-Art “Adventure is Out There”

I used acrylic paint on 35×40 canvas. This painting actually inspired from the one and only: Pinterest:D That is all guys, have an awesome day!!!

365 Artwork Challenge: Quote-Art Project “Life Doesn’t Get Easier, We Get Stronger”

Another quote-art Project, this time I made a vintage-themed painting using Scrapbook paper that I decoupage as the background. This acrylic painting is done on 35×40 canvas.

This artwork #38 is one of my favorite quote.

"Life Doesn't Get Easier, We Get Stronger" - Quote-art Acrylic on canvas

“Life Doesn’t Get Easier, We Get Stronger” – Quote-art Acrylic on canvas

Have an awesome day everyone!!

365 Artwork Challenge: The Late Christmas-Themed-Painting of Poinsettia Flowers (Step-by-Step)

Okay, I know Christmas is over. But I only have a chance to blogged about this painting today;) This #37 artwork painting is actually a Christmas gift to my aunt and I think it will look great on her wall.

Christmas Poinsettia Flowers - Watercolor on Paper

Christmas Poinsettia Flowers – Watercolor on Paper

And here’s a couple of step-by-step pictures of me making this painting:

First Sketch of Poinsettia Flowers

First Sketch of Poinsettia Flowers

Working on the first layer of the first flower

Working on the first layer of the first flower

Second layer of the first flower

Second layer of the first flower

Working on the rest of the flowers

Working on the rest of the flowers

After several layers of paint

After several layers of paint

I don’t have time to capture my work on the leaves and background. This painting actually quite challenging because I can’t seem to find the right color combination. But I think it turned out okay and I’m glad my aunt loved it.

I used Winsor and Newton Cotman watercolor on paper. Have an awesome day guys!


365 Artwork Challenge: Hibiscus Flower Painting (Step-by-Step) – Pinterest Tutorial

This hibiscus flower is something interested I saw at pinterest. Following the tutorial from . This is another flower drawing that I’ve done after some time. I will post my own experience following the step-by-step tutorial.

Hibiscus Flower Watercolor on Paper

Hibiscus Flower Watercolor on Paper

This is artwork # 35 by the way;) and here’s the step-by-step:

First Sketch of The Flower

First Sketch of The Flower Using H Pencil

First Layer of Cotman's Cadmium Red

First Layer of Cotman’s Cadmium Red

Adding the Leaves Using Mix of Greens Until It Looked Somewhere Around Olive Green

Adding the Leaves Using Mix of Greens Until It Looked Somewhere Around Olive Green

Adding The Second Layer of Watercolor

Adding The Second Layer of Watercolor

The Third Layer of Watercolor

The Third Layer of Watercolor

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches

DONE...!!! Hopefully This Will Looked Great on My Aunt's Wall as I'm Going to Give This as Her Birthday Present

DONE…!!! Hopefully This Will Looked Great on My Aunt’s Wall as I’m Going to Give This as Her Birthday Present

Hope you liked it guys..! Have an awesome day!!


365 Artwork Challenge: Bird Drawing Study 1 – The Mountain Bluebird

As a part of exploring my interest in drawing, I find a great tutorial on nature art. Check out for a wide range of tutorials and instruction and step-by-step guide on nature drawing. This time I chose to draw a Bird. I always been fascinated by people who can draw birds. I mean you have to observe all of the detailed pattern on the feathers or a very distinct features on its body. So for my first attempt, I choose a mountain bluebird following the tutorial that you can also try here.

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365 Artwork Challenge: Back to Flower Drawings – Cattleya Orchid

Artwork #20 aaannnd I’m back to drawing flowers haha. This is another Orchid and this time I attempt to draw a Cattleya Orchid. I really really really love Orchids. Its vibrant color and beautiful shape are so much fun to draw. I used Derwent Watercolor Pencils with an additional color from Faber-Castell Albrecth Durer.

Cattleya Orchid Watercolor Pencils Drawing on Sketchbook Paper

Cattleya Orchid Watercolor Pencils Drawing on Sketchbook Paper

The petals are so lovely, it almost looked like it’s dancing. Like a pleated skirt flowing in the wind. I just loved it…!! I made the drawing from a photograph I saw of this particular Cattleya Orchid on Pinterest. The actual color is more intense than my drawing. I was having a little trouble finding the right color to match the actual photo. But, overall I think I did a pretty good job;) Anyway, this is my work-in-progress photos of the drawing:

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