Scrapbook Project: Simple Vintage Style Scrapbook Altered Frame for Baby Boy

Nowadays seems like I’ve had so much trouble finding a ‘free time’ to make scrapbook albums or even a single scrapbook layout (*sobs). So when my friend from work asked me to make a scrapbook as a baby gifts for her friend, I kinda panicked on where to begin. Sometimes I felt this way after being absent on making any projects for a couple of months. I felt like I’ve lost my mojo.. But, I then figured out a way to get my mojo back by making something entirely ‘new’. Not just the same old layout or albums, but I managed to make a simple vintage style scrapbook altered frame.

vintage style scrapbook altered frame

vintage style scrapbook altered frame

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Scrapbook Tutorial (2): Membuat Scrapbook Home Decor for Baby GIRL

Another tutorial in one day…!! Man, I’m on fire..! 😀 Berikut ini adalah tutorial untuk membuat hiasan gantungan scrapbook for baby girl. Home decor ini diberikan kepada teman saya yang juga baru melahirkan her second baby girl.

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor Project

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor Project

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Scrapbook Tutorial (Part 1): Membuat Scrapbook Home Decor BABY BOY (“For HIM”)

Berhubung Sabtu ini miraculously saya punya waktu kosong, maka saatnya membuat TUTORIAL…!:)) Kemarin saya baru mencantumkan posting tentang Scrapbook Poject pembuatan Home Decor dengan tema baby (postingnya bisa dilihat di sini). Maka untuk tutorial pertama, saya akan menjabarkan pembuatan Scrapbook Home Decor for Baby BOY.

for HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor Project

for HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor Project

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Scrapbook Project : Home Decor Baby-Themed-Scrapbook

Finally…!! A baby-themed Scrapbook altered art… after a couple of request from my friends to make a BABY themed scrapbook layout, I finally gave up and make TWO home decor project using Echo Park “Bundle of Joy” series. One is “For Him” and the other one is “For Her”.

For HIM and For HER: Baby Boy and Baby Girl Themed Scrapbook

For HIM and For HER: Baby Boy and Baby Girl Themed Scrapbook

Quite cute I think;) The tutorial will be posted soon… (as soon as I find the time to escape from my workload *sigh).

For HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor

That’s all for now guys…! Check out the tutorial soon..;) Have an awesome day…