Scrapbook Project: Baby Bumi’s Scrapbook Wall Decor

Setelah sekian lama ‘absen’ akhirnya saya kembali bersentuhan dengan bahan-bahan scrapbook;) Kali ini request scrapbook adalah untuk newborn baby salah satu teman saya. The baby’s name is Bumi which I think is pretty awesome;).


Kombinasi berbagai scrapbook series saya gunakan untuk project ini. Tema warnanya adalah coklat dan biru vintage berhubung baby-nya berjenis kelamin laki-laki.

Wall decor ini dibuat di atas canvas ukuran 20×20 cm yang saya lapisi dengan kertas decoupage terlebih dahulu baru dihias dengan berbagai kertas scrapboook.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

Scrapbook Project : Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas Menggunakan Scrapbook

Tahun ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis posting mengenai scrapbook dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan posting mengenai artwork menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Tujuannya agar scrapbook di Indonesia bisa semakin familiar dan lebih populer.

Anyway, project kali ini sebenarnya adalah project iseng yang saya buat karena saya baru saja memiliki rak TV baru yang belum ada hiasannya. Saya berpikir daripada menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli dekorasi rak, lebih baik memanfaatkan skill scrapbooking saya dan menggunakan benda-benda yang ada di rumah. Kali ini benda yang saya pilih adalah sebuah kotak parfum bekas sebagai alternatif home decor.

Kotak parfum ini bentuknya unik, mirip kotak perhiasan dengan bentuk tiga perempat lingkaran. Parisian look menurut saya cukup cocok untuk menghias kotak ini.

Scrapbook Altered Art - Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

Scrapbook Altered Art – Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

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365 Artwork Challenge: Quote-Art Project Inspired From The Movie “UP”

Artwork #39 is a quote-art inspired from the movie “UP”. One of my favorite animation with a very deep message and philosophy. I even loved the soundtrack! Drawing the balloons I think quite represents the idea of the quote “Adventure is Out There”.

Quote-Art "Adventure is Out There"

Quote-Art “Adventure is Out There”

I used acrylic paint on 35×40 canvas. This painting actually inspired from the one and only: Pinterest:D That is all guys, have an awesome day!!!

365 Artwork Challenge: Quote-Art Project “Life Doesn’t Get Easier, We Get Stronger”

Another quote-art Project, this time I made a vintage-themed painting using Scrapbook paper that I decoupage as the background. This acrylic painting is done on 35×40 canvas.

This artwork #38 is one of my favorite quote.

"Life Doesn't Get Easier, We Get Stronger" - Quote-art Acrylic on canvas

“Life Doesn’t Get Easier, We Get Stronger” – Quote-art Acrylic on canvas

Have an awesome day everyone!!

Paper Flower Frame From Crafty Day’s Workshop

So here’s the details for the paper flower frame that I made from Crafty Days. The instructor is Dreamesh, a well-known DIY artist and party decorator. You can find her instagram profile at: _dreamesh. The construction of this paper flower frame is actually very simple. You only need a various color of Manila cardstock, scrapbook paper, and  a round bamboo frame that people usually use for cross stitch. You glued all the flowers and leaves beautifully (or in my case messily) on top of the circle bamboo frame. I added a quote from a scrapbook paper and a couple of wooden letters. Since I want to give this to my cousin as her birthday gift, I also prepare an ‘anyaman’ box (I’m so sorry I can’t find the synonym in English) and the put the paper flower frame inside.

Paper flower frame 1

“HETTY” is my cousin’s name by the way;)) She can put the paper flower frame as a wall decor because it has a handle that you can use as a hanger on the top the round cross stitch frame (you can’t see it because of the flowers covering it).

paper flower frame 2

Download flower patterns from the internet and print it on paper or directly on the manila cardstock. Choose a couple of pattern and in various sizes. You can then combine the patterns or the size of your flower. After that, just simply glued all the pattern together like in the picture. For the leaves, I just eye-balling the shape of leaves and cut it free-hand on green manila cardstock.

paper flower frame 3

As for the roses… I find it difficult to explain how to make the roses in this post. But it’s actually very simple. You can find the tutorial all over youtube or simply google it.

paper flower frame 4

And this is the ‘anyaman’ box that I tell you about in the beginning of this post.

Anyaman Box

Ribbon in Anyaman Box

Paper flower frame inside anyaman box

The ‘Anyaman’ Box is actually a Pizza Box, that I recycled into a gist box.. Yup, you don’t read it wrong, it was a pizza box. Damn, I love the creativity of Indonesian people;))

That is all guys.. Have a great awesome day;)


Bandung Crafty Days 2014

So… this is my first post about any activity involving arts and crafts events. I think Crafty Days at Bandung, Indonesia is one of the most happening event for arts and crafts lover here in my city. That is why I think I need to write about it because I want this kind of event be held everywhere hehehe. Crafty Days is actually an annual event that has been going on for 8 years now. But from last year, they shift the concept to a much bigger and better event.

This is the poster for this year’s event:

Crafty Days 8 PosterI think they want to showcase a more vintage traditional Indonesian theme to the event. You can find more information about the whole event at

They also have a couple of arts and crafts workshop that you can join. I myself join the “DIY Paper Flower Frame” workshop by Dreamesh. This is my take on the paper flower frame. I modified it a bit as a birthday gift for my cousin. I will put the details of this paper flower frame in a different post.

DIY Paper Flower Frame

Anyway, the main event is none other than the Bazaar of many beautiful artwork and crafts from very talented and creative people of Indonesia.

Here’s some of the display you can find in Crafty Days 8 (the pictures are personal photos of mine, not intended for any promotional purposes):

crafty days 1

Crafty Days 2

Crafty Days 3

Crafty Days 4

Crafty Days 5

Crafty Days 6

Crafty Days 7

Crafty Days 8

Crafty Days 9

Crafty Days 10

The last picture of a gothic necklace is something I personally bought from the event. I think it stood out the most because as you can see, it is the only gothic theme you’ll find at the bazaar hehehe..

Well, that’s all guys.. Hope you have an awesome day. And if you have a chance to visit Bandung next year, don’t forget to come to Crafty Days..!



Scrapbook Tutorial (2): Membuat Scrapbook Home Decor for Baby GIRL

Another tutorial in one day…!! Man, I’m on fire..! 😀 Berikut ini adalah tutorial untuk membuat hiasan gantungan scrapbook for baby girl. Home decor ini diberikan kepada teman saya yang juga baru melahirkan her second baby girl.

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor Project

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor Project

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Scrapbook Tutorial (Part 1): Membuat Scrapbook Home Decor BABY BOY (“For HIM”)

Berhubung Sabtu ini miraculously saya punya waktu kosong, maka saatnya membuat TUTORIAL…!:)) Kemarin saya baru mencantumkan posting tentang Scrapbook Poject pembuatan Home Decor dengan tema baby (postingnya bisa dilihat di sini). Maka untuk tutorial pertama, saya akan menjabarkan pembuatan Scrapbook Home Decor for Baby BOY.

for HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor Project

for HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor Project

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Scrapbook Project : Home Decor Baby-Themed-Scrapbook

Finally…!! A baby-themed Scrapbook altered art… after a couple of request from my friends to make a BABY themed scrapbook layout, I finally gave up and make TWO home decor project using Echo Park “Bundle of Joy” series. One is “For Him” and the other one is “For Her”.

For HIM and For HER: Baby Boy and Baby Girl Themed Scrapbook

For HIM and For HER: Baby Boy and Baby Girl Themed Scrapbook

Quite cute I think;) The tutorial will be posted soon… (as soon as I find the time to escape from my workload *sigh).

For HIM: A Baby Boy Scrapbook Home Decor

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor

For HER: A Baby Girl Scrapbook Home Decor

That’s all for now guys…! Check out the tutorial soon..;) Have an awesome day…