365 Artwork Challenge: BATMAN VS BANE – Charcoal Drawing (Step-by-Step)

My holiday drawing project is Batman Vs Bane, charcoal drawing on paper. I spent a month to finish this drawing because I got a lot of other personal stuff and work assignment that I have to do. But, I never like an unfinished project, so Eid Mubarak’s holiday my best chance to make sure I have a complete drawing.

Here is my Artwork #65:

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

And here is a couple of step-by-step photos of the drawing:

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Scrapbook Project: Baby Bumi’s Scrapbook Wall Decor

Setelah sekian lama ‘absen’ akhirnya saya kembali bersentuhan dengan bahan-bahan scrapbook;) Kali ini request scrapbook adalah untuk newborn baby salah satu teman saya. The baby’s name is Bumi which I think is pretty awesome;).


Kombinasi berbagai scrapbook series saya gunakan untuk project ini. Tema warnanya adalah coklat dan biru vintage berhubung baby-nya berjenis kelamin laki-laki.

Wall decor ini dibuat di atas canvas ukuran 20×20 cm yang saya lapisi dengan kertas decoupage terlebih dahulu baru dihias dengan berbagai kertas scrapboook.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Following the trend on using a Moleskine Sketchbook, I finally able to buy this ridiculusly expensive sketchbook. But it’s all worthed because the quality of the paper is significantly different than any sketchbook that i’ve used before.

Here’s me with my new sketchbook:

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

The cover is a plain black color so I decided to do something about it. I make it my Artwork #57:

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

I got the illustration from Pinterest and I used Sakura Souffle pen. Hope you all liked it. I will posted more drawings that I made on this sketchbook. Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: Susan Sarandon – My Entry for A Drawing Workshop Selection Process (with Progress Shot)

As a part of the selecction process for a drawing workshop held by Mr. Hartanto, I have to draw a portrait drawing of Susan Sarandon (picture is provided by Mr Hartanto) using only graphite pencil.

Here’s my entry for the selection process as my artwork #56

Susan Sarandon - graphite pencil on paper

Susan Sarandon – graphite pencil on paper

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Game of Thrones Series – Tyrion Lannister (With Progress Shot)

This month I decided to make a series of drawing based on my favorite TV show – Game of Thrones and of course I started it with my absolute favorite character, Tyrion ‘the imp’ Lannister. I really hope that George RR Martin didn’t kill him in season 5 ;D (I only read the first and second book, so I have no idea what’s gonna happen.. so excited!)

I think Tyrion’s quotes also my most favorite quotes of all time. Some of them are: “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge”; “Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armor and it can never be used to hurt you” ” And I have the tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things”

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Scrapbook Project : Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas Menggunakan Scrapbook

Tahun ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis posting mengenai scrapbook dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan posting mengenai artwork menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Tujuannya agar scrapbook di Indonesia bisa semakin familiar dan lebih populer.

Anyway, project kali ini sebenarnya adalah project iseng yang saya buat karena saya baru saja memiliki rak TV baru yang belum ada hiasannya. Saya berpikir daripada menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli dekorasi rak, lebih baik memanfaatkan skill scrapbooking saya dan menggunakan benda-benda yang ada di rumah. Kali ini benda yang saya pilih adalah sebuah kotak parfum bekas sebagai alternatif home decor.

Kotak parfum ini bentuknya unik, mirip kotak perhiasan dengan bentuk tiga perempat lingkaran. Parisian look menurut saya cukup cocok untuk menghias kotak ini.

Scrapbook Altered Art - Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

Scrapbook Altered Art – Memanfaatkan Kotak Parfum Bekas sebagai Home Decor

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365 Artwork Challenge: Another One for Arrow Fans – Oliver Queen (with Progress Shot)

Here is another Arrow drawing that I’ve done in my sketchbook using charcoal pencil by Derwent (always). This drawing is made because I’m not really satisfied with my last Arrow drawing. Thanks to a wrong type of paper.

Artwork #50 woohooo…! finally I’m able to reach 50 artwork challenge. What a great experience!! I still have a lot to work on until I reach my goal but I’m happy with it. I know I’m not really doing the drawings daily, because it turns out to be quite a pressure for me and the challenge has lost its ‘fun’ factor. That is why I don’t really put too much pressure to myself anymore to make a daily drawings but I got my own pace to reach my goals. And I have more fun doing it!!

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365 Artwork Challenge: My First Try Drawing Long and Thick Hair Using Charcoal – Zoe Saldana (With Progress Shot)

Her role as Anamaria in Pirates of The Caribbean, Uhura in Star Trek, Neytiri in Avatar, and my personal favorite, as Gamora in The Guardians of The Galaxy are enough to make me want to draw her as my artwork #49.

This is my second attempt to make a portrait drawing of a person with long and thick hair. The last drawing I did is the Liv Tyler piece using graphite pencil. You can see the post here. This time for Zoe Saldana’s picture, I’m using charcoal on my most reliable sketchbook.

Zoe Saldana - Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

Zoe Saldana – Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

I think I’m pretty satisfied with my work on her hair. The charcoal really shows the contrast of her hair beautifully.

Here’s some progress shot of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: “You Have Failed This City” – Oliver Queen as The Arrow

I am a freak for a good TV series and I think that Arrow is one of my favorite DC Comic’s superhero right now. After finishing season 2, I decided to make a charcoal drawing dedicated for the series. This is also a request from my friend who is also a great fan of the series.

Here’s my artwork #48, which is a another attempt on using charcoal in a portrait drawing:

Oliver Queen - Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

Oliver Queen – Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

I’m trying a new type of paper for this drawing and I hated it. The surface is too rough and have too many pores that it’s difficult for me to blend the charcoal. I’m not really satisfied with this drawing but I guess that’s the whole process on learning to draw. You have to experienced many mistakes to know what suitable for you.

Anyway, here’s a couple of progress shot of the drawing. I accidentally delete some picture, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t really show the progress step-by-step.

This is when I knew that I hated the paper

This is when I knew that I hated the paper




Oh, I would also like to share to you what my typical Sunday looked like:

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

I used Derwent Charcoal Set (always) for this drawing. I hope you all liked it. Have an awesome day guys!



365 Artwork Challenge: Valentine’s Day Edition Of Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover

Valentine’s day and an artwork at the exact date;) That is because my friend ordered this notebook to be delivered on Valentine’s day this year hahaha.. Okay, so this is artwork #47 a scrapbook altered notebook cover:

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover - Valentine's Day Edition

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover – Valentine’s Day Edition

This is a couple of close-up look of the artwork:




Still with the vintage look. This time I combine the brown vintage color with pink to match the valentine’s theme. That’s all guys, Happy Valentine’s Day and have an awesome one;)