The Cheshire Cat from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (with Progress Shot)

Another challenge, another new thing to try. This time I try to draw animal in a form of The Cheshire cat from my absolutely favorite fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. The fictional character is popularised by Lewis Carroll in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and known for its distinctive mischievous grin. I always been fascinated with the fantasy level of Alice in Wonderland since I was little. So, drawing the character has always been on my list, until now.

Here’s my artwork #77, The Cheshire Cat from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland

The Cheshire Cat from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland - Charcoal on Paper

The Cheshire Cat from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland – Charcoal on Paper

I used Derwent’s chracoal pencils for this drawing. I haven’t used charcoal for a while and it was nice to feel the intensity color its produced compared to graphite pencils.

Here are a couple of progress shot of the drawing. I don’t have a lot of progress shot because I can finish the drawing quite fast compared to the last couple of drawings that I did.

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Jacob and Evie Frye from Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (with Progress Shot)

After my milestone drawing last month. I tried to make another A3 size drawing and another Assassin’s Creed character. This time I choose Jacob and Evie Frye from the latest Assassin’s Creed series. The story is set in Victorian era London and follows twin assassins Jacob and Evie Frye as they navigate the corridors of organized crime, and take back the city from Templar control.

So here’s my Artwork #76, Jacob and Evie Frye from Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate:

Jacob and Evie Frye from Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Syndicate Pencil Drawing on Paper

Jacob and Evie Frye from Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Pencil Drawing on Paper

Printed art for this drawing is available on or my etsy shop.

Also a couple of progress shots on this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: Halloween Series – Ghostface from Scream

Happy Halloween everybody!! My last drawing from the Halloween drawing series is the iconic Ghostface from Scream movies series. First appear in the 1996 Scream movie where the identity was used by Billy Loomis and Stu Macher during their killing spree in Woodsboro. I personally think ghostface is the least scary horror character because it has been parodied a lot especially in The Scary Movies series. But I think it is still one of the legendary horror character and a great piece to end my Halloween drawing series this year. If you would like to purchase the original drawing, you can visit my shop here.

So this is my artwork #74, Ghostface from Scream, Charcoal Pencil Drawing on Paper.

Ghostface from Scream - Charcoal Pencil Drawing on Paper

Ghostface from Scream – Charcoal Pencil Drawing on Paper

I used Derwent charcoal pencils on Cougar 220 gsm A5 paper. I think this is the easiest drawing I’ve ever drawn. I’m sorry I don’t have any progress shot because I finish this piece for only 2 hours.

That is all guys, hope you all have an awesome Halloween!!

365 Artwork Challenge : Halloween Series – Jason Voorhees’ Mask from Friday The 13th (Step – by – Step)

Another one from my Halloween drawing series. This time is another iconic horror film character from Friday the 13th movie series. He first appeared in 1980 (Friday the 13th)  and then becomes the main antagonist of the series in its sequels. As well as the films, he also appeared in many books, comics, and video games.

So here’s my #72 Artwork, Jason Voorhees’ Mask, charcoal pencil drawing on paper.

Jason Voorhees' Mask Charcoal Pencil Drawing on Paper

Jason Voorhees’ Mask Charcoal Pencil Drawing on Paper

Just like my previous Freddy Krueger drawing (you can see it here), I chose Jason Voorhees’ Mask as the object of the drawing because I think it’s the most important part of him that really represent the slasher/mass murderer character.

If you would like to purchased the original drawing, check out my shop at

And here are the step-by-step progress shot of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: Halloween Series – Freddy Krueger’s Hand from A Nightmare on Elm Street (Step-by-Step)

I decided to start a Halloween drawing series with Freddy Krueger’s hand. I want to draw popular horror movies and I think A Nightmare on Elm Street is a perfect example of a classic supernatural slasher horror film. Written and directed by Wes Craven in 1984, it started the whole Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. I try to find a reference picture that doesn’t show a common scene or photos of Freddy Krueger and I found one from Pinterest that only shows his hand. I loved it right away.

So here is my artwork #71, Freddy Krueger’s hand from A Nightmare on Elm Street. I sell the original drawing on my shop at


Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street – Charcoal Pencil on Paper

I used Derwent charcoal pencils for this drawing on small size Cougar A5 (5.83″ x 8.27″ or 148 mm x 210 mm) 220 gsm paper. And here’s some step-by-step progress shot of this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: First Ever Marvel Fan Art – Matthew Murdock Daredevil (Step-by-Step)

For those of you who follows my artwork, I have never draw a Marvel Character before, Always from DC. But, ladies and gentlemen, the time for Marvel has come, here’s Daredevil drawing based from Netflix’s Tv Series poster.

Artwork #70, Matthew Murdock as the man in the black mask a.k.a Daredevil

Matthew Murdock - Daredevil, Charcoal Pencil on Paper

Matthew Murdock – Daredevil, Charcoal Pencil on Paper

I don’t think there are any Marvel’s character as bad ass as this Netfilx’s version of Matthew Murdock. I used Derwent Charcoal Pencils (as always) on 220gsm Cougar A4 paper. Here are the progress shots from this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge : The Arrow and Flash (Step-by-Step)

A new drawing people!! It’s so freakin hard to find a free time to draw these days. But I will not giving up!! I shall draw… draw.. and draw… whenever I can. hehehe..

Anyway, this is artwork #68 from my favorite TV series. The Arrow and The Flash. Oliver Queen and Barry Allen. Love them both, although I think I like Barry Allen more because he’s a nerd and a geek and I can relate more since I am a nerd, geek and a fangirl 🙂

The Arrow and The Flash Charcoal on Moleskine Sketchbook

The Arrow and The Flash Charcoal on Moleskine Sketchbook

As usual this is a step-by-step progress picture:

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365 Artwork Challenge: The NEW Joker – Jared Leto in Suicide Squad (Step-by-Step)

I’m not gonna kill you, I’m just gonna hurt you really.. really.. bad

I find myself always fascinated with DC Comics character and then… Jared Leto comes along as Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. I am instantly hooked and decide to draw him. I found a lot of reference from pinterest and I think this picture is quite a representative of one very disturbed and psychotic evil man.

So here it is, Jared Leto as The Joker in my Artwork #67

Jared Leto as the NEW Joker in Suicide Squad - Charcoal Pencil and Marker on Paper

Jared Leto as the NEW Joker in Suicide Squad – Charcoal Pencil and Marker on Paper

And here are some of the step-by-step picture of how I made this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: First Time Drawing a Family Member-My Mother Circa 1976 (Step-by-Step)

Another graphite pencil drawing is my first time ever attempt on drawing a family member. This time is a picture of my mother, using a reference photograph from 1976. I think I will give this as a birthday gift for her. I love the vintage look of the photograph and here it is my artwork # 66

My Mother Circa 1976 - Graphite Pencil Drawing on Paper

My Mother Circa 1976 – Graphite Pencil Drawing on Paper

And here’s a little step-by-step photos of my drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: BATMAN VS BANE – Charcoal Drawing (Step-by-Step)

My holiday drawing project is Batman Vs Bane, charcoal drawing on paper. I spent a month to finish this drawing because I got a lot of other personal stuff and work assignment that I have to do. But, I never like an unfinished project, so Eid Mubarak’s holiday my best chance to make sure I have a complete drawing.

Here is my Artwork #65:

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

Batman VS Bane, Charcoal Drawing on Paper

And here is a couple of step-by-step photos of the drawing:

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