365 Artwork Challenge: The Flash and Arrow Full Figure (Step-By-Step)

Another drawing challenge that I never made before is a full figure drawing of a person. In this drawing I made TWO full figure of The Flash and Arrow. Yeah, I know… sometimes I don’t know when to stop haha… As you can guess, I spent more time than usual to finish this drawing. The small details are making my eyes watery. But I think it is all worth it because I love how it turned out.

So this is my artwork #69, The Flash and Arrow Full Figure, graphite pencil on A4 paper.

The Flash and Arrow Full Figure - Pencil Drawing and Paper

The Flash and Arrow Full Figure – Pencil Drawing and Paper

Here are some progress shots of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: Another One for Arrow Fans – Oliver Queen (with Progress Shot)

Here is another Arrow drawing that I’ve done in my sketchbook using charcoal pencil by Derwent (always). This drawing is made because I’m not really satisfied with my last Arrow drawing. Thanks to a wrong type of paper.

Artwork #50 woohooo…! finally I’m able to reach 50 artwork challenge. What a great experience!! I still have a lot to work onĀ until I reach my goal but I’m happy with it. I know I’m not really doing the drawings daily, because it turns out to be quite a pressure for me and the challenge has lost its ‘fun’ factor. That is why I don’t really put too much pressure to myself anymore to make a daily drawings but I got my own pace to reach my goals. And I have more fun doing it!!

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365 Artwork Challenge: “You Have Failed This City” – Oliver Queen as The Arrow

I am a freak for a good TV series and I think that Arrow is one of my favorite DC Comic’s superhero right now. After finishing season 2, I decided to make a charcoal drawing dedicated for the series. This is also a request from my friend who is also a great fan of the series.

Here’s my artwork #48, which is a another attempt on using charcoal in a portrait drawing:

Oliver Queen - Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

Oliver Queen – Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

I’m trying a new type of paper for this drawing and I hated it. The surface is too rough and have too many pores that it’s difficult for me to blend the charcoal. I’m not really satisfied with this drawing but I guess that’s the whole process on learning to draw. You have to experienced many mistakes to know what suitable for you.

Anyway, here’s a couple of progress shot of the drawing. I accidentally delete some picture, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t really show the progress step-by-step.

This is when I knew that I hated the paper

This is when I knew that I hated the paper




Oh, I would also like to share to you what my typical Sunday looked like:

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

I used Derwent Charcoal Set (always) for this drawing. I hope you all liked it. Have an awesome day guys!