365 Artwork Challenge: Valentine’s Day Edition Of Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover

Valentine’s day and an artwork at the exact date;) That is because my friend ordered this notebook to be delivered on Valentine’s day this year hahaha.. Okay, so this is artwork #47 a scrapbook altered notebook cover:

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover - Valentine's Day Edition

Scrapbook Altered Notebook Cover – Valentine’s Day Edition

This is a couple of close-up look of the artwork:




Still with the vintage look. This time I combine the brown vintage color with pink to match the valentine’s theme. That’s all guys, Happy Valentine’s Day and have an awesome one;)

365 Artwork Challenge: My First Try Drawing Thick and Long Hair – Liv Tyler (Step-by-Step)

The title have said enough. This is my first try drawing a long and thick hair using pencil. I spent about 2,5 hours just to draw the hair. I have to tell you that it took a lot of patience to draw hair with pencil. And I mean a lot;)

So, here’s my #36 artwork:

Liv Tyler - Pencil on Paper

Liv Tyler – Pencil on Paper

And  here’s some step-by-step pictures that I manage to captured.

First Sketch

First Sketch

Working on the face

Working on the face

A close-up of my work on the hair

A close-up of my work on the hair

Star to work on the body

Start to work on the body

Liv Tyler - Pencil on Paper

And DONE..!

I used 2B, 4B and 8B Faber-castell artist’s graphite pencil on sketchbook paper. Hope you guys enjoyed it..! oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!!! ;))

365 Artwork Challenge: Hibiscus Flower Painting (Step-by-Step) – Pinterest Tutorial

This hibiscus flower is something interested I saw at pinterest. Following the tutorial from huaban.com . This is another flower drawing that I’ve done after some time. I will post my own experience following the step-by-step tutorial.

Hibiscus Flower Watercolor on Paper

Hibiscus Flower Watercolor on Paper

This is artwork # 35 by the way;) and here’s the step-by-step:

First Sketch of The Flower

First Sketch of The Flower Using H Pencil

First Layer of Cotman's Cadmium Red

First Layer of Cotman’s Cadmium Red

Adding the Leaves Using Mix of Greens Until It Looked Somewhere Around Olive Green

Adding the Leaves Using Mix of Greens Until It Looked Somewhere Around Olive Green

Adding The Second Layer of Watercolor

Adding The Second Layer of Watercolor

The Third Layer of Watercolor

The Third Layer of Watercolor

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches

DONE...!!! Hopefully This Will Looked Great on My Aunt's Wall as I'm Going to Give This as Her Birthday Present

DONE…!!! Hopefully This Will Looked Great on My Aunt’s Wall as I’m Going to Give This as Her Birthday Present

Hope you liked it guys..! Have an awesome day!!


365 Artwork Challenge: Princess Leontin Van Radzwill Statue as Shading and Value Study (Step-By-Step)

Recently I join an art clinic held by my former watercolor mentor Mr. R.E. Hartanto. He then invite a lot of his followers to join his art clinic on instagram. You can check it in #klinikrupadrrudolfo (it’s in Indonesian). This week the challenge is to study shading and values on drawings using graphite pencils. He asked the followers to give their best shot on making the drawing of a statue of Princess Leontin van Radzwill by Christian Daniel Rauch from 1836. This is what I’ve made:

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365 Artwork Challenge: Portrait Drawing – John Goodman

Pencil drawing got my attention right now because its easy access and less-messy than any other painting media such as watercolor or oil painting. This time I tried another portrait drawing using a photograph that I got from pinterest of John Goodman.

So this is my artwork #28:

John Goodman, Pencil on Paper

John Goodman, Pencil on Paper

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365 Artwork Challenge: A New HOPE for My Country Indonesia

This post is dedicated to my beloved country Indonesia. Today we celebrate another historical moment: The inauguration of our new elected President, Mr. Joko Widodo. Time magazine called him “A New Hope” and I think it suits him perfectly. It’s the first time in my life that I felt proud and hopeful for my country’s president election’s result.

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Scrapbook 101: Berkenalan dengan Scrapbook Paper Collection


SCRAPBOOK PAPER COLLECTION adalah sekumpulan atau sepaket produk Scrapbook dari suatu produsen kertas Scrapbook yang biasanya memiliki judul desain atau seri koleksi tertentu. Berikut contoh Scrapbook Paper Collection dari berbagai produsen kertas Scrapbook:

Berikut adalah paper pack collection “Vintage Bliss” dari Simple Stories:


Dari Graphic 45, koleksi “Bird Song”:


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