365 Artwork Challenge: Moleskine Cover Hack – Quote Stamp

Sometimes Moleskine cahier notebook’s cover need a little pimpin’ πŸ™‚ I have done it several times before. Check out some of my postsΒ on ‘hacking’ a moleskine cover.

and here is my artwork #62


That’s the view from my window in the morning. Nice huh? πŸ˜‰ anyway, I used Kaisercraft stamps with archival ink for this ‘hack’. The quote is also my motto;)

Here’s the rest of the cover and another Moleskine cahier notebook that I hacked using the same method.



I love the vintage look of the cover. I think I’m going to do this more often;) Hope you liked it. Have anawesome day!

Doodle of The Day: “Love is Kind”

This new Moleskine sketchbook get me going everyday. Well, at least this couple of days;) This particular doodle is inspired from Pinterest.

Doodle of The Day - Love is Kind

Doodle of The Day – Love is Kind

This doodle is my Happy-Sunday-doodle. “Love is Kind” is one of my favorite quote and passage. I used Sharpie Permanent Marker on Moleskine Sketchbook for this doodle.

That is all guys, have an awesome day!

My Drawing Tools

Gotta take a break for a second here from my artwork challenge and sharing withΒ you my main tools for drawing.

My Drawing Tools

My Drawing Tools

Those drawing tools consists of:

  • Faber-Castell tortilion or paper stump
  • Faber-Castell 9000 Artist Graphite Pencils Set
  • Faber-Castell Pencil Sharpener
  • Faber-Castell Eraser
  • Derwent Charcoal Pencil Set
  • Derwent Electrical Eraser
  • Derwent Kneaded Eraser (not in the picture)
  • Winsor&Newton Professional Fixative (not in the picture)
  • Blu-Tack (as a substitute for kneaded eraser)
  • Cotton Buds
  • Tissue

Those areΒ all the tools that I used for my pencil/charcoal drawing. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to post a comment! Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Following the trend on using a Moleskine Sketchbook, I finally able to buy this ridiculusly expensive sketchbook. But it’s all worthed because the quality of the paper is significantly different than any sketchbook that i’ve used before.

Here’s me with my new sketchbook:

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

Me and My New Moleskine Sketchbook

The cover is a plain black color so I decided to do something about it. I make it my Artwork #57:

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

Flower Illustration-White Ink Pen on Moleskine Cover

I got the illustration from Pinterest and I used Sakura Souffle pen. Hope you all liked it. I will posted more drawings that I made on this sketchbook. Have an awesome day!


365 Artwork Challenge: My First Try Drawing Long and Thick Hair Using Charcoal – Zoe Saldana (With Progress Shot)

Her role as Anamaria in Pirates of The Caribbean, Uhura in Star Trek, Neytiri in Avatar, and my personal favorite, as Gamora in The Guardians of The Galaxy are enough to make me want to draw her as my artwork #49.

This is my second attempt to make a portrait drawing of a person with long and thick hair. The last drawing I did is the Liv Tyler piece using graphite pencil. You can see the post here. This time for Zoe Saldana’s picture, I’m using charcoal on my most reliable sketchbook.

Zoe Saldana - Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

Zoe Saldana – Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

I think I’m pretty satisfied with my work on her hair. The charcoal really shows the contrast of her hair beautifully.

Here’s some progress shot of the drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: “You Have Failed This City” – Oliver Queen as The Arrow

I am a freak for a good TV series and I think that Arrow is one of my favorite DC Comic’s superhero right now. After finishing season 2, I decided to make a charcoal drawing dedicated for the series. This is also a request from my friend who is also a great fan of the series.

Here’s my artwork #48, which is a another attempt on using charcoal in a portrait drawing:

Oliver Queen - Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

Oliver Queen – Arrow, Charcoal on Paper

I’m trying a new type of paper for this drawing and I hated it. The surface is too rough and have too many pores that it’s difficult for me to blend the charcoal. I’m not really satisfied with this drawing but I guess that’s the whole process on learning to draw. You have to experienced many mistakes to know what suitable for you.

Anyway, here’s a couple of progress shot of the drawing. I accidentally delete some picture, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t really show the progress step-by-step.

This is when I knew that I hated the paper

This is when I knew that I hated the paper




Oh, I would also like to share to you what my typical Sunday looked like:

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

Drawing, Reading, and A Cup of Hot Earl Grey Tea

I used Derwent Charcoal Set (always) for this drawing. I hope you all liked it. Have an awesome day guys!



365 Artwork Challenge: Trying Something New! Drawing in a Cover of a Notebook

Another new challenge and a new idea for my artwork. It started when I saw another plain notebook. This time it’s my boyfriend’s Moleskine notebook. A great quality notebook with endless possibility to make art;)

I come across Shoo Rayner’s Drawing School again and decided to make his Mayflower tutorial on Youtube as the cover of the notebook. So this is my artwork #46:

"The Mayflower" on Moleskine Cover, Following a Tutorial from SHoo Rayner's Drawing School

“The Mayflower” on Moleskine Cover, Following a Tutorial from Shoo Rayner’s Drawing School

You see the plain cover Moleskine on the background. I used Sharpie Permanent Marker Ultra Fine Point for the illustration of the Mayflower and Stained by Sharpie for the calligraphy. “Project” is a title for the notebook since my boyfriend use it for his work project ideas. I’m thinking to draw another illustration for his other two notebooks that will be titled “Basic” and “Accounting”. I know, it sounds boring hahaha… but I will make it ‘less’ boring by drawing something interesting on the cover there soon.

Here’s another close up of the artwork:

The Mayflower - Permanent Marker on Moleskine Cover

The Mayflower – Permanent Marker on Moleskine Cover

Calligraphy using Sharpie

Calligraphy using Sharpie

The Plain Moleskine Notebook Cover

The Plain Moleskine Notebook Cover

That is all guys. Hope you liked it. Have an awesome day!

365 Artwork Challenge: Scrapbook Altered Art – Notebook Cover “Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them”

Another fun scrapbook altered art as a decoration for a notebook cover. This time is a project for one of my junior high school friend who saw my works and loved it. I can’t believe that I finally contacted her after so long;) I’m just glad that my hobby and my passion can also be a tool for me to reconnect with my old friends.

Artwork #45 is a cover notebook decorated with scrapbook. I loved the quote “Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them”. The quote reminded me to not be afraid to pursue my dream and not giving up;)

"Opportunity Don't Happen, We Create Them" Scrapbook Altered Art on Notebook Cover

“Opportunity Don’t Happen, We Create Them” Scrapbook Altered Art on Notebook Cover

This is a couple of close up of the notebook:

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365 Artwork Challenge: My First Charcoal Drawing!! – World War II Gas Mask (Step-by-Step)

Trying out new tools in drawing is always exciting and scary at the same time. This is my first time using charcoal in drawing. I have bought the Derwent charcoal set since 3 months ago and only now that I have the courage to use. The result… I’m not disappointed at all! I love that it’s easier to blend than graphite pencil and it gives the drawing a lot more contrast. The downside is only that it’s messier and I can’t really use this tool in a detailed picture. Maybe I will combine graphite and charcoal in the future and see what happens;)

Anyway, this is my artwork #44:

World War II Gas Mask - Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

World War II Gas Mask – Charcoal on Sketchbook Paper

I used Derwent charcoal set. I think I am quite satisfied with the quality. What I learned is that charcoal can be very useful if you have a lot of dark areas to cover in your drawings. But what I love the most is how it blends so easily.

This is a little progress drawing or step-by-step picture of this drawing:

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365 Artwork Challenge: The Sexiest Pirate Ever, Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow

Finally a new drawing in 2015. This time I chose Johnny Depp in his great performance as Captain Jack Sparrow. This is also my favorite character of Johnny Depp and I truly think that he is the sexiest pirate ever:)

This is my artwork #43:

Pencil Drawing of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow

Pencil Drawing of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow

I once posted my artwork in google+ community for black and white pencil drawings. One of the member suggested that I don’t rush my drawing and try to be more patience when drawing delicate parts such as the hair. He also suggested that I should be brave enough to make a more distinct contrast on my drawings. I took his advice in this drawing, and I think I saw the difference. It took me more than 6 hours in a range of 4 days to finish this drawing.

Here is a little step-by-step on making this drawing:




I always start drawing from the eyes. In my opinion, the eyes is the most important part in portrait drawings. It determine my motivation to finish the drawing completely:) I used FaberCastell Graphite Pencil on Sketchbook paper for this drawing.

That is all guys, I hope you liked it. Have an awesome day!