365 Artwork Challenge: First Ever Marvel Fan Art – Matthew Murdock Daredevil (Step-by-Step)

For those of you who follows my artwork, I have never draw a Marvel Character before, Always from DC. But, ladies and gentlemen, the time for Marvel has come, here’s Daredevil drawing based from Netflix’s Tv Series poster.

Artwork #70, Matthew Murdock as the man in the black mask a.k.a Daredevil

Matthew Murdock - Daredevil, Charcoal Pencil on Paper

Matthew Murdock – Daredevil, Charcoal Pencil on Paper

I don’t think there are any Marvel’s character as bad ass as this Netfilx’s version of Matthew Murdock. I used Derwent Charcoal Pencils (as always) on 220gsm Cougar A4 paper. Here are the progress shots from this drawing:


I always loved to start a drawing from the character’s head. I chose to work with charcoal for this drawing because the reference picture has a lot of dark areas to cover


Sorry for the different warmth of the picture. Since I shot the photos in a lot of different time of the day. It’s interesting to draw a lot of bruises in the face. Since this guy always trying to get in the fight anywhere he can (did I tell you he’s such a bad ass superhero?;))


In this part I started the city background on the left side. Since I used charcoal, it is better to draw from left to right, top to bottom, or else you’ll smudge all over the paper (speaking from experience). Oh, and use tissue to layer your hand while drawing.


At this point I find that the suit is not really as easy to draw as it looks. The lines of the fabric successfully makes my eyes hurt.


After a lot of hot cup of tea, I finally able to finish the suit and I think I just loved how the hands turn out.


The city lights in the background is done with the help of a Souffle white gel pen from Sakura. The sky is done with Faber-Castell’s graphite pencils 2B and H.


That is all guys, hope you liked it. Have an awesome day!

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