365 Artwork Challenge: Bird Drawing Study 1 – The Mountain Bluebird

As a part of exploring my interest in drawing, I find a great tutorial on nature art. Check out johnmuirlaws.com for a wide range of tutorials and instruction and step-by-step guide on nature drawing. This time I chose to draw a Bird. I always been fascinated by people who can draw birds. I mean you have to observe all of the detailed pattern on the feathers or a very distinct features on its body. So for my first attempt, I choose a mountain bluebird following the tutorial that you can also try here.

The Mountain Bluebird Watercolor Painting on Sketchbook

The Mountain Bluebird Watercolor Painting on Sketchbook

This bird drawing is soooo freakin haaarrrddd hahaha. Its detailed features make my eyes hurt. The tutorial provided is using an animation so it’s not very familiar to me. It’s not like a video tutorial where you can pause every time you want to follow the instruction.

Anyway, I used Winsor and Newton Cotman watercolor tube for this drawing and also an 2B Faber-Castell Graphite Pencils for sketching. My sketchbook is from Maruman. The tutorial suggest that you used a colored pencil to make the detailed pattern on the feathers. But since I don’t have any colored pencil, I just used my Derwent Watercolor Pencils. It kinda work the same, just make sure you don’t put it when the paper is still wet.

That’s all guys… Have an awesome day..!


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